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Secure by design - Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Secure by Design Software(국문)

Secure by design guide Korea Final.pdf

SECURE BE DESIGN SHIFTING THE BALANCE OF CYBERSECURITY RISK: PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES FOR SECURE BY DESIGN SOFTWARE. CYBERSECURITY&INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY AGENCY, NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, Australian Government Australian Signals Directorate, ASD(AUSTRALIAN SIGNALS DIRECTORATE), ACSC(Australian Cyber Security Centre), Federal Office for Information Security), Communications Security Establishment, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, Centre de la securite des telecommunications, Centre canadien pour la cybersecurite, National Cyber Security Centre PART OF THE GCSB, National Cyber Security Centre Ministry of Justice and Security, National Cyber Security Centre a part of GCHO, OAS More rights for more people, NISC 内閣 サイバーセキュリティセンター National center of Incident readiness and Btrategy Far Cybersecurity, CSA SINGAPORE, centnz, NSM NORWEGIAN NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY CENTRE, Cyber Israel-National Cyber Directorate, National Cyber and Information Security Agency, KISA KOREA INTERNET & SECURITY AGENCY, JPCERT CC®


미국 CISA 등 해외 기관과 공동으로 발표한 Secure by design - Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Secure by Design Software를 번역하여 게시합니다.
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